Description Of Microsoft Excel Screen | Worksheet

Description Of Microsoft Excel Screen | Worksheet

Basically, Microsoft excel screen can be classified into 9

1. Tittle bar
2. Menu bar
3. Stabdard tool bar
4. Formatting bar
5. Name box
6. Formular bar
7. Worksheet area
8. Sheet bar
9. Drawing tools

1. Tittle bar: title bar displays the package you are working with and your file name.

2. Menu bar: this is the main menu where we select our commands. Any command selected from menu bar give room for another command to be selected through the sub menu (pull down menu). Commands like File, Edit, View, Insert and so on are found in the menu bar.

3. Standard tool bar: the standard tool bar provides an easy and quick way of selecting your commands. It displays some icon to change a workbook (new) open a file, save a file. e.t.c.

4. Formatting tool bar: the formatting tool bar provides a quick and easier way of formatting our data. It displays some graphics such as B (bold) I (itallic) U (underline) e.t.c.

5. Name Box: name box is a synonymous to cell indicator it identifies the active cell. It shows you the current cell. e.g A1

6. Fornular bar: is rectangular box on which our data appears as we are entering it. we can carry out our calculation using this bar.

7. Sheet bar: this area displays the worksheet in the workbook. you can change your work book using this Tab. you can quickly view the first worksheet and the last worksheet of the workbook.

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