The Meaning Of Email and Account Creation

The Meaning Of Email and Account Creation

Email is also called Electrinic mail, Email is the same with sending a mail (e.g letter in envelop,  money in the bag, foodstuff in the basket and many more common examples of these.

The difference between email and a mail is that email sends and receives message through electronic means, you can only see but can't touch it. We use computer to write letters, reports, and news, and then distribute it to people as many as you like electronically without buying a pen, a full-scalp paper or a brown envelop.

One another importance things for you to know is that, you can't send a mail without receiver's address, for instance to send wedding card to your friend, you must give the sender a complete address of your friend so that he can ask and trace the house.

As a sender, yoy must have your email address (or account) first before you can be able to room for sending the message, and a as receiver you must have the same for receiving the message.
That is why every one breathing on this universe should have his own email account.

Importance Of Email 

Electronic mail is very important in today's world, almost everything getting or let's say online. Newspaper,  Reports, Letters, Monetary Transaction, Business Transactions, Teaching, Learning and so forth are all online. You can access them physically and in the internet.

So to share information more quickly and softly, we all need to create email account.
The recommended email is google mail that's worry is very simple like beating a ripe pineapple.

How to Create a Gmail Account

Here is how to set up a Gmail account,
Open your brawser click on google search bar and type Gmail Account Creation and then press Enter key on your keyboard.
The Gmail Account Creation content will be displayed, click on Create an account this will take you to the "Create a new google account" page.

Creates an entire google account that you can use to access other google products and services.

Come up with a username. your username will become your new Gmail email address, have a backup or two handy in case your desired name is already taken. If your username is not available,  You will be given several related options, or you can try a different one.

Fill out the rest of the required information. You will need to enter your first and last name, your birthday (for age verification), your gender and your phone number in case you lose access to your account, and a verification email address,
You also need to enter which country
you reside in.

The mobile phone number is recommended but not required. Google can send you a text in case you lose access to your Gmail account.

Agree to the privacy policy. Take the time to read the entire privacy policy so that you are aware of what google can and can't do with your personal information,  check the box if you agree to Google's terms.

Your Gmail account has been created, you can click the button to return Gmail, or visit any other google service, you should be automatically logged in to matter which Google site you visit.

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